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About Us


Cloud Counting was founded in 2010 by Samir Patel. An accomplished industry leader (CFO) and experienced CPA, he quickly realized the business need for as he was growing his own practice as he struggled to find an accounting software, that met both his and his client’s needs.

His team spent a lot of time chasing small and large business owners for accurate, timely information including supporting documents. This process was simply inefficient for business owners and accountants.

With a track record of solving complex business problems, attention was turned to his own business and his client’s struggles. Following his passion to revolutionize the accounting world, he came up with a unique design for a cloud-based integrated accounting software solution, which sets itself apart from what’s currently available.

The design is based on the fact that most businesses are still very dependent on checks and the accounting involved needs to be backed up by proof.  The design came to life when co-founder Yogesh Patel came on board.  With his technology expertise and a clear vision of creating easy-to-use software, CloudCounting was born.